Men's Easy Cruisers ski reviews 2018

These skis are ideal for intermediate riders who have mastered skid turns and want to make more technical progress toward carving turns.
Dynastar Speed Zone 7 review 2018
Men's skis 2018 > Easy Cruisers Best ski 2018
In this category, we’re looking for accessible skis for weaker riders who have the potential to progress technically to carving. While it’s not directly aimed at beginners, riders from the beginning of ESF’s class 2 will love the Speedzone 7 from Dynastar, in other words, riders who already master skid turns. Versatile, accessible, docile and responsive to every request, it’s truly awesome. Turn... Read on
Like the Speedzone 7, Völkl's RTM 76 is very accessible when it comes to mastering skid turns and will help riders advance to more technical turns. The ski is accessible from the middle of ESF class 2, in other words, once riders have mastered parallel turns. It’s slightly less accessible than the Dynastar because the tail hampers behavior to some extent in back-leaning positions. Skiers who are well centered... Read on
Head WC Rebels iShape Pro review 2018
Men's skis 2018 > Easy Cruisers Best performance!
A bit "overpowered" for this category, the iShape Pro from Head is not a tool for the inexperienced. It’s docile as long as you already have good technical skills under your belt. At medium speeds with a well-positioned rider, it’s really easy to enter and hold rock steady turns. Entering carved turns is intuitive and the ski will hold a steady speed as it engages in relatively dynamic turns. On... Read on
The Amphibio 80 Ti deserves its place in this selection of the best skis on the market. The reviewers came back enthusiastic, particularly impressed by the model’s overall accessibility and easy rotation. The ski is simple to use, enjoyable and its overdrive feature is reassuring for less experienced riders. Behaviour is globally good and consistent with really smooth carves that are very easy to initiate. There... Read on
In this category, we’re looking for skis that are accessible to the weakest learners but that can help slightly more experienced riders move on to more technical turns. Here, Rossignol's Pursuit 600 fulfilled the first part of its contract but fell somewhat short in the second. True, even the weakest riders will find the ski very easy to handle. In particular, the ease of rotation and floating effect will please... Read on